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Bank Assignment Cont.

History Page

Screenshot 2567-03-09 at 14.52.46.png

Example of large breakpoint view. (desktop)

Screenshot 2567-03-09 at 15.47.54.png

Example of Extra small , Medium breakpoint view (Mobile)

1.Create the History page (follow this User interface)

  • create deposit component
  • create withdraw component
  • create the transaction component
  • this page supported responsive design
  • in XS, MD breakpoint please fix the width of the BOX that contain component of CARD and handle it with Overflow.
  • all component that you have created have to create at components folder
  • create mockup object array that contain detail of history and map it with map function of Javascript.
  • handle in overflowX when card had overflow on webpage 

Screenshot 2567-03-09 at 14.59.56.png

file structure of History Page.


Example of mockup object arrays.

  • create CSS component to create  all of the card. (deposit card, withdraw card, transaction card) 
  • use concept react useState, Props concept to implement these component.
  • use FlexBox concept or GridBox Concept to manage the layout of history page.
  • use breakpoint concept to implement responsive app.