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React Project Setup

How to Create React Project 

Make sure you've already install node js + npm 

1. Open your terminal, and move to any directory that you want to keep the project. 


2. Type the following command to create React Project
npx create-react-app yourAppName

or You can use Vite, which is faster 

npm create vite@latest

3. Move to your project folder (The one that you define the name)


4. Type the following command to install dependencies 
npm i 


5. Type the following command to run the project 
npm run dev



Yeayy you already completed the step!!  :)

React Folder & File


/public : it' s a directory to keep html file (index.html) and the images will keep in this directory

/src : it's a directory to keep javascript or Typescript file. All file that you develop keep in this directory

package.json :this file include information of project and the dependency that you install and script to run command
