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What is API ?

API (Application Programming Interface)

API stands for Application Programming Interface, it's a set of defined rules that acts as an intermediary layer that enables the exchange of information and functionality between different systems, such as between a website and a server or between different software applications. So always remember that The API is not the database or even the server, it is the code that governs the access point(s) for the server.


API to Daily life, you can think of an API as a waiter in a restaurant who listens to your order request, goes to the chef, takes the food items ordered and gets back to you with the order.

What API could do in web development?

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These are few reasons why APIs are important in web development:

  • Web applications need APIs to get data from various sources, like databases or websites.
  • APIs are a scalable option for managing high data or request volumes.
  • APIs could leverage existing features and services. This saves developer from redundancy.
  • They keep things safe by ensuring that only authorized individuals or programs can use them.
  • An API makes a website or mobile app more enjoyable to use by integrating data.

A real-life example of an API: You have created website for your company and want to embed maps into your web pages, using The Google Maps API allows you to customize the map's appearance and functionality, including markers, info, windows and overlays.