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Bank App Home Page

Throughout this course we will try to create full stack bank app web application that fully functioning

Creating Home Page

The final result of this lab should look like this 


The home page should consist of 

  1. Deposit/transfer/ withdraw card : originally it's 3 components but it will change whenever we click the logo on option card. The card show the type of transaction that we choose between deposit, transfer or withdraw
  2. Option Card:  Card that consist of 3 logo that act as a button to click which have a function of choosing type of transaction that will trigger the card above it 
  3. Balance Card: Card to show the account balance
  4. Transaction Card: Card to show the list of transaction history

Setup the Project

1. Follow the previous lesson about how to create or start a react project or you can click here to navigate 

2. On the src folder inside the assets folder create images folder . After that, download the images from this link and insert to the images folder 


3. Inside the src folder create pages folder for storing  pages in our frontend also components folder to store our components of each pages


4. Inside the pages folder create Homepage.jsx file


5. Inside the components folder create another folder called HomePage and inside the HomePage folder create files exactly like shown in the picture


6. Replace the code inside the App.jsx with the code below

import Homepage from './pages/Homepage';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App"  style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: '100vh' }}>
      <Homepage />
export default App;

and also replace the index.css with provided code below

body {
  margin: 0;
  font-family: Roboto;
  height: 100%

code {
  font-family: source-code-pro, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New',

  height: 100vh;

7.  Then we're gonna install some dependencies that will help us in the front end. In you terminal of current project type the command below 

npm i @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/material @mui/icons-material

@emotion/react: Provides utilities for using Emotion CSS-in-JS with React.
@emotion/styled: Allows creating styled components using Emotion CSS-in-JS.
@mui/material: Core Material-UI library for ready-to-use React components styled according to Material Design.
@mui/icons-material: Collection of Material-UI icons for use in React applications.

8. Try to insert the code below inside the Homepage.jsx and try to run the project

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Box } from "@mui/material";

function Homepage() {
  return (
          width: { md: 600, xs: "90%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "start",
          alignItems: "start",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 4,
          p: { md: 0, xs: 2 },
          margin: 7,

          width: { md: 600, xs: "90%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "start",
          alignItems: "start",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 4,
          p: { md: 0, xs: 2 },
        "Hello, World!"

export default Homepage;

Currently it show only text, but in the future step we will create each components 

Deposit or Transfer or Withdraw Component and Option Component

1. Inside the DepositCard.jsx insert the code below 

import { Button, Box, TextField, Typography } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI
import { useState } from "react"; // Importing useState hook from React

function DepositCard({submit}){ // Defining a functional component named DepositCard which takes a prop named submit

    // State variables for transaction amount and note, initialized with default values
    const [transactionAmount, setTransactionAmount] = useState(0);
    const [transactionNote, setTransactionNote] = useState("");
    // Function to handle form submission
    const onSubmit = (amount, note) => {
            // Calling the submit function passed as prop with transaction details
            submit(Number(amount), note);

    // Inline styling for body of the card
    const bodyStyle = {
        display: 'flex', 
        flexDirection: 'column',
        justifyContent: 'center',

    // Inline styling for input fields
    const inputStyle = {
        display: 'flex', 
        flexDirection: 'column',

    return <>
        {/* Outer Box component for styling */}
                width: { md: 600, xs: "100%" },
                display: 'flex', 
                justifyContent: 'center',
                borderRadius: 5,
                boxShadow: 10,
                mt:{ md: 0, xs: 10 }}}

            {/* Inner Box component for body of the card */}

                    {/* Typography component for title */}
                        style={{fontWeight: 600,}}
                            typography: { xs: 'h3' },

                    {/* Box for amount input */}
                    <Box style={inputStyle}>

                        {/* Typography for amount label */}
                                typography: { md: 'h5', xs: 'subtitle1' },}}>

                        {/* TextField for amount input */}
                            onChange={(e) => {


                    {/* Box for note input */}
                    <Box style={inputStyle}>

                        {/* Typography for note label */}
                                typography: { md: 'h5', xs: 'subtitle1' },}}>
                            Note {"(optional)"}

                        {/* TextField for note input */}
                            onChange={(e) => setTransactionNote(}


                    {/* Button for form submission */}
                        onClick={() => onSubmit(transactionAmount,transactionNote)}
                            typography: { md: 'h5', xs: 'subtitle1' }}}>


export default DepositCard; // Exporting the DepositCard component as default

1. Button:
   - The `Button` component is used to render a clickable button.
   - It has various props that allow customization of its appearance and behavior, such as `variant`, `color`, `onClick`, etc.
   - In the provided code, the `Button` component is used to create a "Deposit" button with a blue background color and white text.
   - Here's the documentation for the Button component: MUI-buttons

2. Box:
   - The `Box` component is a versatile component that serves as a layout container. It can be used to create a variety of layout structures using flexbox or grid.
   - It accepts various styling props to customize its appearance, such as `sx` for custom CSS styling.
   - In the provided code, `Box` is used for grouping and styling the elements within the deposit card.
   - Here's the documentation for the Box component: MUI-Box

3. TextField:
   - The `TextField` component is used to create input fields for collecting user input.
   - It supports various types of input, such as text, number, password, etc.
   - It can be customized with props like `variant`, `placeholder`, `onChange`, etc.
   - In the provided code, `TextField` components are used to collect the transaction amount and note.
   - Here's the documentation for the TextField component: MUI-Text Fields

4. Typography:
   - The `Typography` component is used to render text with predefined styles and variants.
   - It allows customization of typography, such as font size, weight, color, etc.
   - It supports various variants like `h1`, `h2`, `body1`, `subtitle1`, etc.
   - In the provided code, `Typography` components are used for displaying titles, labels, and other textual content within the deposit card.
   - Here's the documentation for the Typography component: MUI-Typography

2.  Inside the TransferCard.jsx insert the code below 

import { Button, Box, TextField, Typography } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI
import { useState } from "react"; // Importing useState hook from React

function TransferCard({submit}) { // Defining a functional component named TransferCard which takes a prop named submit
  // State variables for transaction amount, note, and receiver, initialized with default values
  const [transactionAmount, setTransactionAmount] = useState(0);
  const [transactionNote, setTransactionNote] = useState("");
  const [transactionTo, setTransactionTo] = useState("");
  // Function to handle form submission
  const onSubmit = (amount, note, receiver) => {
    try {
      // Calling the submit function passed as prop with transaction details
      submit(Number(amount), note, receiver);
    } catch(err) {

  // Inline styling for body of the card
  const bodyStyle = {
    display: "flex",
    width: "50%",
    height: 530,
    flexDirection: "column",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center",
    gap: 10,

  // Inline styling for input fields
  const inputStyle = {
    display: "flex",
    width: "100%",
    height: "20%",
    alignItems: "flex-start",
    flexDirection: "column",

  return (
      {/* Outer Box component for styling */}
          width: { md: 600, xs: "100%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "center",
          borderRadius: 5,
          boxShadow: 10,
          mt: { md: 0, xs: 10 },
        {/* Inner Box component for body of the card */}
        <Box style={bodyStyle}>
          {/* Typography component for title */}
            style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}
              typography: { xs: "h3"},
              color: "#2F69D9",
              mb: "5%",

          {/* Box for amount input */}
          <Box style={inputStyle}>
            {/* Typography for amount label */}
                mb: "5%",
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },

            {/* TextField for amount input */}
              onChange={(e) => {
              sx={{ width: "100%" }}

          {/* Box for receiver input */}
          <Box style={inputStyle}>
            {/* Typography for receiver label */}
                mb: "5%",
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },

            {/* TextField for receiver input */}
              onChange={(e) => {
              sx={{ width: "100%" }}

          {/* Box for note input */}
          <Box style={inputStyle}>
            {/* Typography for note label */}
                mb: "5%",
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },
              Note {"(optional)"}

            {/* TextField for note input */}
              onChange={(e) => setTransactionNote(}
              sx={{ width: "100%" }}

          {/* Button for form submission */}
            onClick={() => onSubmit(transactionAmount,transactionNote,transactionTo)} 
            sx={{ width: "100%", height: 50 }}>
            {/* Typography for button label */}
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },
export default TransferCard;

3.  inside the WithdrawCard.jsx insert the code below

import { Button, Box, TextField, Typography } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI
import { useState } from "react"; // Importing useState hook from React

function WithdrawCard({submit}) { // Defining a functional component named WithdrawCard which takes a prop named submit
  // State variables for transaction amount and note, initialized with default values
  const [transactionAmount, setTransactionAmount] = useState(0);
  const [transactionNote, setTransactionNote] = useState("");
  // Function to handle form submission
  const onSubmit = (amount, note) => {
    try {
      // Calling the submit function passed as prop with transaction details
      submit(Number(amount), note);
    } catch(err) {

  // Inline styling for body of the card
  const bodyStyle = {
    display: "flex",
    width: "50%",
    height: 530,
    flexDirection: "column",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center",
    gap: 20,

  // Inline styling for input fields
  const inputStyle = {
    display: "flex",
    width: "100%",
    height: "20%",
    alignItems: "flex-start",
    flexDirection: "column",

  return (
      {/* Outer Box component for styling */}
          width: { md: 600, xs: "100%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "center",
          borderRadius: 5,
          boxShadow: 10,
          mt: { md: 0, xs: 10 },
        {/* Inner Box component for body of the card */}
        <Box style={bodyStyle}>
          {/* Typography component for title */}
            style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}
              typography: { xs: "h3" },
              color: "#2F69D9",
              mb: "5%",

          {/* Box for amount input */}
          <Box style={inputStyle}>
            {/* Typography for amount label */}
                mb: "5%",
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },

            {/* TextField for amount input */}
              onChange={(e) => {
              sx={{ width: "100%" }}

          {/* Box for note input */}
          <Box style={inputStyle}>
            {/* Typography for note label */}
                mb: "5%",
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },
              Note {"(optional)"}

            {/* TextField for note input */}
              onChange={(e) => setTransactionNote(}
              sx={{ width: "100%" }}

          {/* Button for form submission */}
            onClick={() => onSubmit(transactionAmount,transactionNote)}
            sx={{ width: "100%", height: 50 }}
            {/* Typography for button label */}
                typography: { md: "h5", xs: "subtitle1" },
export default WithdrawCard;

4. Inside the OptionCard.jsx insert the code below. In this component we will import our image from assets folder 

import * as React from 'react';
import { Box, Avatar, Typography, IconButton } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI
import Deposit from "./../../assets/images/Deposit.png"; // Importing image for Deposit option
import Transfer from "./../../assets/images/Transfer.png"; // Importing image for Transfer option
import Withdraw from "./../../assets/images/Withdraw.png"; // Importing image for Withdraw option

function OptionCard({option}) { // Defining a functional component named OptionCard which takes a prop named option

  // Function to handle option click
  const onOptionClick = (x) => {

  return (
            width: { md: 600, xs: "100%" }, // Setting width based on screen size breakpoints
            borderRadius: 5, // Setting border radius
            boxShadow: 10, // Setting box shadow
              height: 220, // Setting fixed height
              display: "flex",
              flexDirection: "column",
              alignItems: "start",
              justifyContent: "center",
              gap: 4, // Setting gap between elements
            {/* Typography for title */}
            <Typography variant="h4" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }} sx={{ pl: 4 }}> 

                width: "100%",
                display: "flex",
                flexDirection: "row",
                justifyContent: "space-around",
              {/* IconButton for Deposit option */}
              <IconButton onClick={() => onOptionClick('Deposit')} sx={{ borderRadius: 5 }}> 
                    display: "flex",
                    flexDirection: "column",
                    alignItems: "center",
                  {/* Avatar for image */}
                  <Avatar src={Deposit} /> 
                  {/* Typography for Deposit label */}
                  <Typography variant="h5" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>

              {/* Similar structure for Transfer and Withdraw options */}
              <IconButton onClick={() => onOptionClick('Transfer')} sx={{ borderRadius: 5 }}> 
                    display: "flex",
                    flexDirection: "column",
                    alignItems: "center",
                  <Avatar src={Transfer} />
                  <Typography variant="h5" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>

              <IconButton onClick={() => onOptionClick('Withdraw')} sx={{ borderRadius: 5 }}> 
                    display: "flex",
                    flexDirection: "column",
                    alignItems: "center",
                  <Avatar src={Withdraw} />
                  <Typography variant="h5" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>

export default OptionCard;

5. Finally inside the Homepage.jsx on the pages folder we will import the components that we have made so far. Replace the existing code with code below 

import React, { useState } from "react"; // Importing React and useState hook
import { Box } from "@mui/material"; // Importing Box component from Material-UI
import DepositCard from "../components/HomePage/DepositCard"; // Importing DepositCard component
import OptionCard from "../components/HomePage/OptionCard"; // Importing OptionCard component
import WithdrawCard from "../components/HomePage/WithdrawCard"; // Importing WithdrawCard component
import TransferCard from "../components/HomePage/TransferCard"; // Importing TransferCard component

function Homepage() { // Defining a functional component named Homepage
  const [transactionType, setTransactionType] = useState("Deposit"); // State variable for transaction type, initialized with "Deposit"

  const onOptionChange = (type) => { // Function to handle option change
    setTransactionType(type); // Setting the transaction type based on the selected option

  const handleWithdraw = async (amount, note) => { // Function to handle withdrawal
    console.log("Withdraw:", amount, note); // Simulated handleWithdraw function

  const handleTransfer = async (amount, note, receiver) => { // Function to handle transfer
    console.log("Transfer:", amount, note, receiver); // Simulated handleTransfer function

  const handleDeposit = async (amount, note) => { // Function to handle deposit
    console.log("Deposit:", amount, note); // Simulated handleDeposit function

  return (
          width: { md: 600, xs: "90%" }, // Setting width based on screen size breakpoints
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "start",
          alignItems: "start",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 4, // Setting gap between child components
          p: { md: 0, xs: 2 }, // Setting padding based on screen size breakpoints
          margin: 7, // Setting margin
        {/* Rendering the appropriate card based on the transaction type */}
        {transactionType === "Deposit" ? (
          <DepositCard submit={handleDeposit} />
        ) : transactionType === "Withdraw" ? (
          <WithdrawCard submit={handleWithdraw} />
        ) : transactionType === "Transfer" ? (
          <TransferCard submit={handleTransfer} />
        ) : (
          <DepositCard submit={handleDeposit} /> // Defaulting to DepositCard

        <OptionCard option={onOptionChange} /> {/* Rendering the OptionCard component */}

      {/* Additional Box component */}
          width: { md: 600, xs: "90%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "start",
          alignItems: "start",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 4,
          p: { md: 0, xs: 2 },
        "Hello, World!" {/* Placeholder text */}

export default Homepage; // Exporting the Homepage component

6. When you try to run the program, The result should similar like this 


When you click the logo/button inside the options card the other card above it will change corresponding to what we click. That's because we use state where when we click each button it will change the state from initially deposit into other.

Try to insert something in the textfield in any transaction, what will happen?? nothing. That's because we only did the design so far but we can try to add console.log which has been provided in the code  to check whether our component flow is work or not. 


I will try to insert value in the Withdraw card and submit the button to see whether the data successfully passed into our card from the homepage.js or not 


After I input it I open my console in browser by clicking  Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS), or Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux)


Here we see that the data is successfully passed into our card 

Balance Card and Transaction Card

Now we will move into our 2 last card 

1. Insert the code below into BalanceCard.jsx 

import { Box, Typography } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI
import AccountBalanceWalletIcon from "@mui/icons-material/AccountBalanceWallet"; // Importing AccountBalanceWalletIcon

function BalanceCard({ balance }) { // Defining a functional component named BalanceCard which takes a prop named balance
  return (
      {/* Outer Box component for styling */}
          width: { md: 500, xs: "100%" }, // Setting width based on screen size breakpoints
          height: 225, // Setting height
          display: "flex",
          flexDirection: "column",
          justifyContent: "center",
          borderRadius: 5, // Setting border radius
          boxShadow: 10, // Setting box shadow
          py: { md: 0, xs: 2 }, // Setting padding on y-axis based on screen size breakpoints
          color: "white", // Setting text color
          backgroundColor: "#2F69D9", // Setting background color
        {/* Inner Box component for layout */}
            width: { md: 500, xs: "100%" },
            display: "flex",
            flexDirection: "row",
            justifyContent: "space-around",
            alignItems: "start",
            p: { md: 0, xs: 2 }, // Setting padding based on screen size breakpoints
          {/* Left section for balance information */}
              width: 350, // Setting width
              display: "flex",
              flexDirection: "column",
              alignItems: "start",
              justifyContent: "start",
              gap: 1, // Setting gap between elements
            {/* Typography for balance title with icon */}
            <Typography variant="h5" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>
              <AccountBalanceWalletIcon /> Balance

            {/* Typography for account information */}
            <Typography variant="subtitle1" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>
              My Account

            {/* Typography for account number */}
            <Typography variant="subtitle1" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>

            {/* Typography for balance amount */}
            <Typography variant="h4" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>
              {new Intl.NumberFormat().format(balance)} THB

          {/* Right section for saving account */}
          <Typography variant="subtitle1" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>
            KBUG Saving

export default BalanceCard; // Exporting the BalanceCard component

2.  Now we will create Transaction Card Component  and inside the card it will have a list showing your the list of transaction we have made. But since we don't have the data yet we can use a dummy data for temporary 

Insert the code below into TransactionList.jsx 

import { Box, Typography } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI

function TransactionList({ amount, date, type }) { // Defining a functional component named TransactionList which takes props amount, date, and type
  // Converting date string to Date object
  const x = new Date(date);
  // Extracting date and time from the Date object
  const strDate = x.toUTCString(); 
  const transDate =  strDate.slice(5, 16); // Extracting date portion
  const transTime = strDate.slice(17, 25); // Extracting time portion

  return (
      {/* Outer Box component for styling */}
          width: "100%", // Setting width to 100%
          display: "flex",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 2, // Setting gap between elements
        {/* Inner Box component */}
            width: "100%", // Setting width to 100%
            display: "flex",
            flexDirection: "row",
            justifyContent: "space-around",
          {/* Left section for transaction type and amount */}
              width: "100%", // Setting width to 100%
              display: "flex",
              flexDirection: "column",
              justifyContent: "start",
              alignItems: "start",
            {/* Typography for transaction type */}
                fontWeight: 600,
                // Setting color based on transaction type
                color: (type === "deposit") ? "#10C700" : 
                       (type === "withdraw") ? "#ED4141" : 
            {/* Typography for transaction amount */}
            <Typography variant="h5" sx={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>
              {new Intl.NumberFormat().format(amount)} THB

          {/* Right section for transaction date and time */}
              width: 100, // Setting width to 100px
              display: "flex",
              flexDirection: "column",
              justifyContent: "start",
              alignItems: "end",
            {/* Typography for transaction date */}
            <Typography variant="h6" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>
            {/* Typography for transaction time */}
            <Typography variant="h6" style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}>

export default TransactionList; // Exporting the TransactionList component

This single file generate a single list that appear in the Transaction 

So in order to have more than 1 lists. We need to pass and map our data from TransactionCard into our TransactionList

From the card component we will map the data into our TransactionList.jsx

Try to insert the code below into TransactionCard.jsx . You can see that It declare a dummy data in order to make the list work

import { Box, Typography } from "@mui/material"; // Importing necessary components from Material-UI
import TransactionList from "./TransactionList"; // Importing TransactionList component
import { useState } from "react"; // Importing useState hook from React

const dummyTransactions = [ // Dummy transaction data
  { bank_id: 1, amount: 100, date: "2024-02-28", type: "Deposit" },
  { bank_id: 2, amount: 50, date: "2024-02-27", type: "Withdrawal" },
  { bank_id: 3, amount: 200, date: "2024-02-26", type: "Deposit" },
  { bank_id: 4, amount: 75, date: "2024-02-25", type: "Withdrawal" },
  { bank_id: 5, amount: 150, date: "2024-02-24", type: "Deposit" },

function TransactionCard() { // Defining a functional component named TransactionCard
  const [userDeposit, setUserDeposit] = useState(dummyTransactions); // State variable for user transactions, initialized with dummyTransactions

  return (
      {/* Outer Box component for styling */}
          width: { md: 500, xs: "100%" }, // Setting width based on screen size breakpoints
          height: 525, // Setting height
          borderRadius: 5, // Setting border radius
          boxShadow: 10, // Setting box shadow
        {/* Inner Box component */}
            display: "flex",
            flexDirection: "column",
            justifyContent: "start",
            alignItems: "start",
            p: 5, // Setting padding
            gap: 4, // Setting gap between elements
          {/* Typography for recent transactions title */}
            style={{ fontWeight: 600 }}
            Recent Transactions

          {/* Box for displaying transaction list */}
              width: "100%", // Setting width to 100%
              height: 350, // Setting height
              display: "flex",
              flexDirection: "column",
              whiteSpace: "nowrap",
              overflowY: "auto", // Adding vertical scroll if needed
              borderRadius: 2, // Setting border radius
              p: 1, // Setting padding
              gap: 3, // Setting gap between transactions
            {/* Mapping over userDeposit array to render TransactionList for each transaction */}
            { => (
                key={transaction.bank_id} // Unique key for each transaction
                amount={transaction.amount} // Transaction amount
                date={} // Transaction date
                type={transaction.type} // Transaction type

export default TransactionCard; // Exporting the TransactionCard component
  1. => (...)): This part maps over the userDeposit array using the map() method. For each element (transaction) in the userDeposit array, it executes the provided function.

  2. <TransactionList ... />: For each transaction in userDeposit, it renders the TransactionList component.

  3. key={transaction.bank_id}: Each rendered TransactionList component is assigned a unique key prop using the bank_id property from the transaction object. This helps React identify each component uniquely and optimize re-rendering.

  4. amount={transaction.amount}, date={}, type={transaction.type}: These props are passed to the TransactionList component, providing it with the necessary data to display the details of each transaction, such as amount, date, and type       

Finally Insert the code below, but Can you finish by yourself? Try to implement the BalanceCard and Transaction Card component by yourself.
Put the remaining 2 card inside the second box. See the code below that I declare userData useState also a commend about where you should put the remaining 2 card

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Box } from "@mui/material";
import DepositCard from "../components/HomePage/DepositCard";
import OptionCard from "../components/HomePage/OptionCard";
import BalanceCard from "../components/HomePage/BalanceCard";
import TransactionCard from "../components/HomePage/TransactionCard";
import WithdrawCard from "../components/HomePage/WithdrawCard";
import TransferCard from "../components/HomePage/TransferCard";

function Homepage() {
  const [transactionType, setTransactionType] = useState("Deposit");

  const onOptionChange = (type) => {

  const [userData, setUserData] = useState({ balance: 100 }); // Simulating user data

  const handleWithdraw = async (amount, note) => {
    // Simulated handleWithdraw function
    console.log("Withdraw:", amount, note);

  const handleTransfer = async (amount, note, receiver) => {
    // Simulated handleTransfer function
    console.log("Transfer:", amount, note, receiver);

  const handleDeposit = async (amount, note) => {
    // Simulated handleDeposit function
    console.log("Deposit:", amount, note);

  return (
          width: { md: 600, xs: "90%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "start",
          alignItems: "start",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 4,
          p: { md: 0, xs: 2 },
          margin: 7,
        {transactionType === "Deposit" ? (
          <DepositCard submit={handleDeposit} />
        ) : transactionType === "Withdraw" ? (
          <WithdrawCard submit={handleWithdraw} />
        ) : transactionType === "Transfer" ? (
          <TransferCard submit={handleTransfer} />
        ) : (
          <DepositCard submit={handleDeposit} />

        <OptionCard option={onOptionChange} />

          width: { md: 600, xs: "90%" },
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "start",
          alignItems: "start",
          flexDirection: "column",
          gap: 4,
          p: { md: 0, xs: 2 },
        {/*  implement Balance card here also you need the pass the balance (see that I declare userData with balance on the top of the handleWithdraw) */}
        {/* impleemnt Transaction card here */}

export default Homepage;

Final Result
